The LBT Science data Center (LSC) has been set up in January 2007 and has been maintained and updated to support the Italian community in the exploitation of the data obtained at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). It supports the observing team to plan, organize and schedule observations and the PIs to retrieve their reduced data, ready to be used for publishing their research.
The LBT Observing Tools are a set of tools designed for the planning of observations. For each program, the observability of the targets is calculated and made available to observers for scheduling the observations. Observers have access to all the proposals and runs, PIs to their own proposals and runs.
The LSC imaging data reduction service is managed at the INAF Observatory of Rome and the reduced data are collected in the LSC archive. The archive also collects the spectra reduced by the IASF-Milano team until 2020. Principal Investigators are allowed to browse all the reduced data and to retrieve their own reduced data logging in the restricted area of the portal.
The Proposal Evaluation Tool is an external web tool for evaluating LBT proposals by a commission of scientists (referees) selected by the TAC (Time Allocation Committee). The proposals are anonymized before the evaluation in order to avoid any possible bias. Referees access to a restricted area and evaluate the proposals on a scientific basis and assign a score to them accordingly.